Contact Name Email Address Message 2 + 2 = Submit Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Book Outline 1. Introduction 1.0 Preface 1.1 The Eternal Being’s Name and Gender 1.2 We Know in Part 1.3 Sources of Knowledge 1.4 Biblical Principles 1.5 Ages and Worlds 1.6 A Time-Table for God Almighty’s Plan 2. Creation to Flood 2.0 Preface 2.1 Two Kingdoms 2.2 Satan–Murderer from the Beginning 2.3 Creation 2.4 Humanity 2.5 Eden 2.6 Temptation 2.7 After Eden 3. Flood to Captivity 3.0 Preface 3.1 Noah 3.2 Abraham–Father of a Multitude 3.3 Abraham and Sarah–Source of Patterns 3.4 Israelites 3.5 Messianic Prophecies 4. Jesus 4.0 Preface 4.1 Let There be Light 4.2 Birth 4.3 Jew 4.4 Baptisms and Adoption 4.5 Light of the World 4.6 Bread of Life 4.7 Obedient One 4.8 Son of God 4.9 Lamb of God 4.10 Several Patterns 5. Grace and the Church 5.0 Preface 5.1 God Almighty’s Blessings 5.2 The Blessing of Grace 5.3 Kingdom of God on Earth 5.4 Born Again–Birth of a Child of God 5.5 Water Baptism and 30-Fold 5.6 Holy Spirit Baptism and 60-Fold 5.7 Adpotion and 100-Fold 5.8 Transition from Law to Grace 5.9 Characterizations of the Church 6. The Church Era 6.0 Preface 6.1 The Church with Jesus 6.2 Apostolic Church 6.3 Organized Church 6.4 Apostate Church 6.5 Protestant Reformation 6.6 Pentecostal Revival 6.7 Discipline of the Church 6.8 Adoption as Sons and The 144,000 6.9 The Two Witnesses 6.10 The Day of the Lord 7. After the Church Era 7.0 Preface 7.1 Resurrections 7.2 Spiritual Day/Age 6 7.3 Spiritual Day/Age 7 7.4 Day of Atonement–Grace 7.5 The Day of Atonement–Mercy 7.6 Festival of Booths 7.7 Conclusion Recent Comments No comments to show.